Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lord Drakkon

From The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic

Lord Drakkon: 

  • Lord Drakkon's history as Tommy matches his prime counterpart's until his climatic final battle against the Red Ranger, Jason Lee Scott. When Tommy was freed from Rita's curse, instead of joining Zordon and his Rangers, Tommy fled back to Rita Repulsa and continued to serve her. Whether addicted to his new power and fearful of losing it if he had stayed with the Rangers or genuinely believing Rita meant to better the world through conquest, Tommy aided Rita in taking over the Earth, one city at a time. Over time, thier conquest caused Rita to become popular to Earth's population. Eventually, Tommy led Rita's forces into one final battle against Zordon's last battalion of Rangers and Zords just as Zordon was on the verge of creating a new Power Ranger more powerful than any before. Tommy breached the Command Center as Jason was being infused with this new power, interrupting the process before it could finish. The two engaged in one final battle that Tommy ultimately won. Tommy then stole the new power for himself, and emerged from the Command Center clutching Jason's shattered helmet. Tommy and his forces then defeated the Power Rangers, destroyed their Zords, and successfully conquered the Earth in Rita's name.

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